Apartament 3 camere, parter, Barbu Vacarescu.
Bucuresti-Ilfov - BARBU VACARESCU, reper: Dinamo
Mention when you call us:
850 €/month ID: 20278
Description Contact us
Apartament 3 camere, amplasat la parterul unui imobil din zona Barbu Vacarescu, Stefan cel Mare.
Apartamentul este compus din 3 camere, bucatarie, 2 bai.
Este renovat complet, dispune de ferestre noi termopan cu tripan salamander, mobila noua, echipat complet nou cu electrocasnice noi , mașina spălat vase Whirlpool, mașina spălat rufe, hotă Whirlpool, cuptor electric Whirlpool, frigider LG, AC, centrala proprie.
Pretabil birou sau rezidential
Technical Information
Rooms no.
Usable area
70 mp
Total usable area
Built area
No. of kitchens
No. of bathrooms/toilets
Year of construction
Structure type
Building type
Useful Information
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